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What is the base for artificial turf?

What is the base for artificial turf? Share Published December 28, 2022 Artificial Turf can be laid over many types of surfaces.  There are various kinds of turf and many applications for which turf can be used, each of which has a number of variables to consider...

What does the “ATX” in ATXTurf stand for?  Austin, Texas

What does the “ATX” in ATXTurf stand for?  Austin, Texas Share Published, November 29, 2022 ATX is an abbreviation for Austin, Texas.  The ATXTurf team originated in 2008, as a family-run business  operating sports facilities and a 7 field, artificial turf, baseball...

Can I Use Bladed Sports Turf for my Batting Cage or Indoor Facility

Can I use bladed sports turf for my batting cage or indoor facility? Share Published, September 26, 2022 Backyard batting cages or often “temporary” batting cages, if your athlete will be moving on to college, or decides to play another sport.  Indoor facilities are...

About Our Blog

Learn the nuances and non-obvious aspects of Artificial Turf, Sports Netting, Installation & Maintenance tips from the ATXTurf installation teams.  Bringing decades of experience, we write our blog articles for the purpose of making your turf project, or indoor sports facility as easy as possible by filling in the gaps of information gleaned from years of hands-on, nationwide turf and netting installation and maintenance projects.