Artificial Turf Grain: What direction should turf be laid? Share Published, August 22, 2022 The fibers in artificial turf will lean in one direction. This is referred to as Pile Direction, or the “Grain.” In natural grass, the sun keeps grass blades standing up straight, but artificial turf...
Turf & Netting Blog
Advice, Tips & Observations on Designing, Planning & Installing Artificial Turf & Sports Netting
What’s the difference between Slit Film & Monofilament Synthetic Turf Fibers?
What’s the difference between Slit Film and Monofilament Synthetic Turf Fibers? Share Published August 17, 2022 Last Updated: October 13, 2023 When shopping for synthetic turf, you may hear the terms “Slit Film” or “Monofilament” (or "Mono") or read these terms in product specifications. These...
Should I buy Used Artificial Turf?
Should I buy Used Artificial Turf? Share Published, August 8, 2022 / Updated July 21, 2023 "Remember to always ask your Used Turf Supplier for Manufacturer & Specification Sheet so you know who made it, how old it is and the materials used in it. " [video width="600" height="300"...
Can Synthetic Turf be Patched?
Can Synthetic Turf be Patched? Share Published August 1, 2022 Yes. But there are several variables to consider. As synthetic turf ages, repairs and patches are inevitable to maintain safety and aesthetics. Synthetic Turf can need repair for many reasons. From the standard high foot-traffic...
How Long will Artificial Turf last?
How Long will Artificial Turf last? Share Published July 27, 2022 Artificial Turf can last years or even decades depending on the amount of foot traffic in the particular area. While it is common to see warranties on new artificial turf products from 7 - 12 years, many use cases will see turf...
Does Artificial Turf have Static?
Does Artificial Turf have Static? & How to Prevent It Share Published August 4, 2022 Yes. Much like the carpet in your house, artificial turf can have higher degrees of static in drier environments. Artificial Turf is typically made of polyurethane, polypropylene or nylon fibers and when...
What does “Face Weight” mean in Artificial Turf?
What does "Face Weight" mean in Artificial Turf? Share Published Aug 3, 2022 When shopping for artificial turf, or carpet in general, you will often see “Face Weight”, measured in ounces, on the product specification or sample package. While the other specifications, such as length, width, height...